Green spaces and playgrounds

Green spaces

Maintenance and upkeep of public green spaces and spa gardens.

Care and maintenance of public green spaces and spa gardens throughout the city, e.g. lawns, wooded areas, summer flower beds and potted plants. In the event of damage or improper condition, please inform your city council.


The town of Olsberg carries out the inspection, care and maintenance of all municipal children's playgrounds in the town area. children's playgrounds in the town area.

In order to ensure proper and safe play on the children's playgrounds in the town of Olsberg, the municipal playgrounds are inspected at regular intervals to ensure that they are safe for traffic and play. The frequency of the inspections depends on the time of year and the scope and nature of the inspection tasks. At the beginning of the play season, a general inspection is carried out at all municipal playgrounds. A general inspection is carried out at all municipal playgrounds at the beginning of the play season. If you notice any additional damage to the playground equipment, fences or other components, please inform the city administration.



The town of Olsberg maintains and cares for numerous memorials owned by the town, such as memorials of honour, places of remembrance, memorial stones and wayside shrines.