Contribution law

Development contributions


Principle and origin of the obligation to contribute

According to Sections 127 to 135 of the German Building Code in conjunction with the above-mentioned local law bases for the collection of contributions, owners or leaseholders of land which may be used for building or commercial purposes or which is considered to be building land and borders on the development system to be charged are obliged to pay development contributions.

Once the development system has been finally constructed, the final obligation to pay contributions has arisen for the property liable to pay contributions, with the result that the City of Olsberg will issue a final settlement of the development contributions.



The person liable for contributions is the owner or heritable building owner of the property at the time of notification of the contribution notice. Several parties liable to pay contributions are jointly and severally liable; in the case of condominium and part ownership, the individual condominium and part owners are only liable to pay contributions in proportion to their co-ownership share.

Sewer connection fees according to § 8 KAG


Principle and origin of the obligation to contribute

In accordance with Section 8 of the Municipal Tax Act, the City of Olsberg levies a sewer connection fee in accordance with Section 1 of the Contribution and Fee Statutes to the Drainage Statutes of the City of Olsberg in the currently valid version to reimburse its average annual expenditure for the construction and expansion of the public wastewater facilities.

According to § 4 of the contribution and fee statutes, the obligation to contribute arises not only with the actual connection, but as soon as the property can be connected to the wastewater system.



The person liable to pay the contribution is the owner or authorised leaseholder of the property at the time of notification of the contribution notice. Several persons liable to pay contributions are jointly and severally liable; in the case of condominiums and part-ownership, the individual condominium and part-owners are only liable to pay contributions in proportion to their co-ownership share.

Road construction contributions according to § 8 KAG


Principle and origin of the obligation to contribute

According to Section 8 of the Municipal Tax Act and the road construction contribution statutes of the town of Olsberg in the currently valid version, owners or leaseholders of properties are obliged to pay contributions towards the costs of road construction measures.



The person liable to pay contributions is the owner or authorised leaseholder of the property at the time of notification of the contribution notice. Several persons liable to pay contributions are jointly and severally liable; in the case of condominium and part ownership, the individual condominium and part owners are only liable to pay contributions in proportion to their co-ownership share.