Fishing licence

You need a fishing licence to fish in standing and flowing waters. The fishing test can be taken from the age of 14.

If you are between 10 and 16 years old, you will receive a youth fishing licence (red). The fishing licence (blue) is valid for 1 year (annual fishing licence) or 5 years (five-year fishing licence).



Youth fishing licence: fee € 8.00
Annual fishing licence: fee € 16.00
Five-year fishing licence: fee € 48.00


Necessary documents

Youth fishing licence:

  • The application must contain the signature of the applicant and a legal guardian.
  • You will also need a current passport photo
  • Birth certificate as proof of personal data


Annual fishing licence/five-year fishing licence:

  • Presentation of the previous fishing licence or proof of having passed the fishing test
  • A current passport photo
  • Identity card or passport


You can obtain further information from the Hochsauerlandkreis



Online Service

Here you can find various services from Olsberg town council and other authorities that citizens can now use from the comfort of their own homes.

How does the Service Portal work?

  • Simply register with an e-mail address
  • Complete the application online and send it off
  • You will receive the required documents within 10 days

Contact Person

Silvia Hillebrandt
Department 2 Citizen services, civil status, citizenship, waste management and counselling
Tel.: 02962 / 982-233 E-Mail: Bürgerservice

Contact Person

Dirk König
Department 2 Climate manager
Tel.: 02962 / 982-247 E-Mail: dirk.kö 116