Issue of examination authorisation certificates in accordance with the Youth Employment Protection Act
In addition to the examination authorisation certificate, a survey form is issued. This is completed at home by the authorised persons and taken along to the medical examination.
Special requirements
- Age between 14 and 17 years
- Main residence in Olsberg
Reasons for the issue of examination authorisation certificates
- Initial examination before entering working life
- First follow-up examination nine to twelve months after taking up first employment
- Further follow-up examination one year after the end of the first follow-up examination
- Extraordinary follow-up examination on the doctor's orders
- Examination at the request of the state labour inspectorate / mining authority
The examination authorisation certificate is issued immediately.
Necessary documents
Identity documents of the applicant or the legal guardian or authorised representative
Online Service
How does the Service Portal work?
- Simply register with an e-mail address
- Complete the application online and send it off
- You will receive the required documents within 10 days